How to Clean Your Ears Professionally – A Guide to Expert Ear Wax Removal

How to clean your ears professionally

How to Clean Your Ears Professionally - A Guide to Expert Ear Wax Removal

You may be surprised to know that your ears are self-cleaning. That’s right, the earwax that builds up in your ear canal is there for a reason.

It protects your ear from debris, dust, and other harmful particles. However, sometimes earwax can build up and block the ear canal. This can cause hearing loss, pain, and even infection. 

If you think you have too much earwax buildup, there are a few things you can do at home to remove it. However, we recommend seeing a doctor or other professional to have it removed.

They have the experience and expertise to safely and effectively remove earwax without causing any damage to your ears.

Professional Ear Wax Removal Tips

Visit Your Doctor

The first step towards getting your ears cleaned professionally is to visit the doctor.

Your doctor will be able to assess the amount of wax present in your ear and determine if a professional cleaning is necessary.

They can also provide advice on how to best manage your condition going forward and suggest products or techniques that may help reduce the amount of wax produced in the future.

Prepare Your Ears

Before beginning the actual cleaning process, it’s important to make sure that your ears are properly prepared.

This means using warm water and gentle soap on a cotton swab to remove any debris from around the outside of the ear canal.

Be careful not to insert anything too far into the canal as this could cause damage or irritation.

Use Ear Drops

To soften any existing wax in your ears, you should use an over-the-counter ear drops solution such as baby oil or mineral oil before having them professionally cleaned by a healthcare professional.

Use Ear Drops

This will help make it easier for them to remove any hardened wax from inside your ear canals safely and effectively during their appointment with you. 

Apply Pressure

Once you have used the drops, gently press down on either side of your head right next to each ear with both hands for about five minutes each day leading up to the appointment you have made with the healthcare provider who will be cleaning out your ears professionally.

This will help loosen any existing hardened wax which can then be removed more easily during their appointment with you without causing additional discomfort or irritation within your ear canals while they are being cleaned out professionally by a healthcare provider.

Have Them Checked By An Audiologist

An audiologist is an expert in hearing health care who specializes in diagnosing and treating hearing disorders through hearing tests, balance tests, and other specialized assessments that they perform on patients.

When requested by their regular physician or primary care provider so that they can ensure their hearing health is being monitored appropriately at all times.

Have Them Professionally Cleaned Out By A Healthcare Provider

Once all of these precautions have been taken, it’s time for a healthcare provider (doctor/nurse practitioner) to examine both of your ears using specific instruments designed specifically for this purpose.

So, they can thoroughly remove any hardened wax from deep within both of your inner ear canals safely and effectively without causing further irritation or damage.

Use A Suction Device

Some healthcare providers may opt to use suction devices such as curettes or other types of small vacuums specifically designed for this purpose when removing hardened wax from deep within both inner ear canals safely and effectively without causing further irritation or damage.

Flush Out The Ear Canals

After removing any hardened wax using suction devices, some healthcare providers may also choose to flush out both inner ear canals using either saline solution (salt water) or hydrogen peroxide depending on what type of buildup was found within each individual’s unique inner ear canal structure.

Monitor For Recurrence

After having one’s ears professionally cleaned out by a healthcare provider it is important to monitor their progress over time so that if recurrence does occur then appropriate steps can be taken earlier rather than later before further complications arise due to lack of proper follow-up care after having one’s ears professionally cleaned out by a healthcare provider.

Seek Further Treatment If Necessary

If despite following all appropriate steps including those outlined above recurrence does occur then seeking further treatment (medication/surgery) may be necessary to prevent buildup from occurring again in one’s inner ear canal structures.

This may be either due to continued production beyond what would normally be considered “normal levels” based upon individual circumstances at hand or other underlying medical conditions previously undiagnosed but now suspected due to recurring buildup issues surrounding one’s inner ear canal structures.


Everyone has different needs when it comes to taking care of their hearing health.

However, if you suffer from allergies or another condition related to excessive production of wax within your inner ear canal structures then professional cleaning may become necessary.

Following these steps will ensure safe and effective removal while minimizing potential risk and maximizing results whenever possible! Thank You!

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